Community Radio

Hyper Local Broadcasting

From the UK and Europe to Uganda - broadcasting the ‘real’ the ‘unusual’ the ‘unexpected’ …. the knowledge of some - the skills of others - the adventures of many and the dreams of all - JustaWhatRadio?! A Community radio created by JustaHub and its team to showcase creators educators, thinkers, gardeners of today building their future together by sharing their passion, experience and love of life through the world.

JustaWhatRadio!? is:

Context : The idea of hyperlocality has become important since coronavirus and the lockdowns - people have been confined to their own homes, opportunities for community interaction have been stalled and many people have been in isolation. This is where a platform like JustaWhatRadio (Or its predecessor, Shell Shock BAM Radio which was also based around these principles) comes in. It provides a means for people to have social interactions and feel they are part of a community  even in times of isolation.

A platform for expression

JustaWhatRadio!? is a community built on diversity and tolerance

JustaWhatRadio!? is not to be  consumed but rather a place to experience creative, artistic practices and take part through debates and discussion  in social transformative  ideas.

A framework for creation

JustaWhatRadio!? acts as a portal between these singular places, creating connections through  art, music, poetry and comedy to explore and share our unique and common experiences, growing our knowledge and skills together as part of one world we never stop learning to live in .


JustaWhatRadio!? is a community radio station building a hyperlocal network of places and communities with their own unique ideas, thoughts, culture and people.

JustaWhatRadio!? is a community-focused non-profit project which increases the scope of what is possible and what we can show through who we are, make and show. 


JustaWhatRadio!? will not make money from adverts - we are hoping to help build a community that can sustain itself through its cultural and artistic activities to find support through its audience and listeners.