​JustaWhatRadio!? is run on non-profit, community principles.

We do not make money from advertising - we hope to help build a community of artists from around the world that can sustain itself through the support of its audience and listeners and through its cultural and artistic activities.

Right now, your money will go towards:

  • ​Our subscription to Mixlr which allows us to broadcast for 12 hours a day.

  • The fee for a community radio license from PRS and PPL.

  • Hosting our website - a place to showcase the people who put in the work to make JustaWhatRadio!? a reality. This will also be a place for members of the community to share thoughts and ideas on art, culture and sustainability outside of the radio shows.

In the future, we would like to:

  • ​Increase the amount of shows we broadcast - offering the platform to more diverse voices from around the world.

  • Use the money from subscriptions to be able to pay people fairly for their engagement in running the radio.

  • Run live events (lockdown permitting)

  • Create the Digital Hub - a mobile studio with which we can organise tours of the UK to present shows from across the country.

 If you would like to Support us regularly, we also have a Patreon

Or you can donate using the button below: